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13441-a Form: What You Should Know

Taxpayers expense.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 13441-a

Instructions and Help about Form 13441-a

P>Well hello everyone! I want to welcome you this afternoon to our freestanding applique projects by Oklahoma Embroidery Supply and Design. My name is Dawn Andrew and I'm the embroidery specialist. We are going to look at several things this afternoon. First of all, we want to talk about freestanding lace and the difference between freestanding lace and freestanding applique. Also, just as we get started, there is a chat on your display area, so if you have questions or can't hear me right now, please let us know. We will be checking and answering questions at the end as well. So, the first thing that we want to talk about and look at is the difference between freestanding lace and freestanding applique projects. In the thread charts of our designs, you will see that it has either FSL, which means freestanding lace, or FSA, which refers to freestanding applique. With freestanding lace, it works with thread and your washaway stabilizer. Those are the only two items that you basically need. In regards to washaway stabilizer, I would recommend that you use a heavyweight clear washaway stabilizer or another one that I like to work with is a mesh washaway stabilizer. You will want to use either one of those. We do want to use two layers of stabilizer, especially when we start working with our freestanding applique projects. Even with some of the washaway things, like ornaments, I still like to use two layers. If you are working with a clearer heavyweight or a clear-type washaway stabilizer, and during the stitching process, the needle is perforating that and the stitches are being pulled away, then that's a good indication that you need to use more than one layer of stabilization. Also, going on to our freestanding lace, we like to use...